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              Passage One

              DO you alway udestand the dcrs on a btte of mdicie? Do you know Wat is ment by "Take only as drcter Read the flowin drctins and see if you udertad them. "TO redue pain, take two tables (藥片) with water, flowed by one wblett every eight hours as rguied. For nghtime and early moning reie (緩解疼痛),take two of abes at bedime 81 Do not tke more than six tablels in wenty four hours For cildrensis to twelve years old. give halfthe amount(量)_For cidren under six years old, ask your docor's adrice.Reduce the amount ifyou sufer from resses or slesses afer taking the medicine."

              41. How many tablets at most can a person over 12 have in 24 hours?

              A. Three

              B. Four

              C. Six

              D. Eight

              42. How many tablets should a nine yearold child normally take in 24 hours?

              A. Half a tablet

              B. One tablet

              C. Three tablets

              D. Four tablets

              43. What is the advice for one who cannot sep well afer taking the medicine?

              A. Stop taking the medicine at bedtime.

              B. Continue to take the normnal amount.

              C. Take more than the normal amount.

              D. Take less than the normal amount.

              44. It can be inferred from the directions that this medicine________

              A. helps you to fall aslee quickly

              B. may be dangerous to small children

              C. cannot be taken if one feels sleepy

              D. should not be taken by children under six

              45.This text is most probably taken from a________

              A. textbook

              B. newsreel

              C. doctor's notebook

              D. bottle of medicine

              Passage Two

              82 Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp nises its value to stamp Collectors. A mistake on a two-penny postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a half times than its original value.

              The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British Colony of Mauritius(毛里求斯),a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer. Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to ssue stamps.

              Before the order was illed and delivered, a dance was planned at Mauritius Govemment House, and starmps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was instructed t0 copy the design for the stamps. He carelessly put the words "Post Office" instead of“Post Paid”on the several hundred stamps that he printed.

              Today there are only twelve-six of these misprinted stamps left fourteen One-penny Reds and twelve Two-penny Blues. Because of the Two-penny Blue's rareness and age, ollectors have paid as much as $ 16,800 for it.

              46. When a mistake is made in the printing of a stamp, the stamp_______

              A. will be thrown away

              B. is useless

              C. is worth no more than its face value

              D. will become greater in value

              47. In 1847 most countries of the world were__________

              A. not yet using postage stamps

              B. collecting valuable stamps

              C. buying stamps from Mauritius D. printing their own stamps

              48. The mistake on the locally printed postage stamps was in the___________

              A. spelling of postage

              B. wrong use of word

              C. price

              D. color

              49. Which one of the following statements was implied but not stated?

              A. All crrectly printed stamps are worthless.

              B. The stamps were needed to send out invitations to a ball.

              C. The printer was punished for his mistake.

              D. Collectors are conistantly looking for stamps with mistakes.

              50. The mistake on a two-penny stamp has made

              A. a lot of trouble for the post office

              B. it worth as much as $ 16,800

              C. Mauritius the fourth country to put out stamps

              D. it worth half a million times its face value

              Passage Three

              Five years ngo, my mother immigrated to Ontario, Canada in the hope to find safe and better life. As most immigrants, she rtumed to school ater so many years and fnished school last year and landed a job in her field of study.

              83 I'm saring to wory about her future since she has no pension and Hife insurance Here's her situation:

              Income: $ 37,500 (nnually)

              Student loan: $16,000 (at 5.5%)

              Rent: $1,075/month (all inclusive)

              Now, she is in the process of sllig the family house back home, which would bring approximately $50,000 after paying sales comissions and all those related fes. I know it's nota lot of money, considered how expensive life is in Canada but I'm trying t find a better way for her to put that $S0K in good use.

              Some of the scenarios we came up with:

              Open a high interest investment accoumnt, and add a sum of money to it on a monthly basis, and let the monty grow.

              20% Down Payment for a house, and rent out the basement.

              I will welcome any suggestions that will help my loving mom plan her rtrement.

              51. When did the mother move to Canada?

              A.2 years ago.

              B.5 years ago.

              C.10 years ago.

              D.20 years ago.

              52. Why is the author worried about her mother's future?

              A. Because her mother has no income.

              B. Because her mother has no pension.

              c. Because her mother has no life insurance.

              D. Because her mother has no pension and life insurance.

              53. How much is the mother's loan?

              A. $37,500.

              B. $1,075.

              C. $16,000

              D. $50,000.

              54. What is the mother busy with now?

              A. She is in the proces of sling a house.

              B. She is in the proces of buildig a house.

              c. She is in the poces ofbuying a house.

              D. She is in the pocess of rnting a house.

              55. Why does the author write this aricle?

              A. To make a complain.

              B. To ask for suggestions,

              C. To apply for bank loan.

              D. To apply for immigrating to Canad.

              Pasege Four

              Some people seem t have a knack (快竊) for learning langags. They can pickup Dew vocabulary, master rules of grammar, and learm to write in the new langunge much more quickly than other people. They do Rnot seem to be ary cleverer than otbers. What makes language lerming so much easier for them? Perhaps if we take aclose lok at these sccl language learmers, we may discover a few techniques which make language learning easier for them.

              Firsty ucess languge learmers are independent learmers. They do not depend on the book or the teacber, they'd rather discover their own way to leam the language than walt for the teacher to explain everything. They try to fnd the sentence patterms, the rules and the meaning of the new word by themselves. They are good guessers. They look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong. they guess again. They try to leam from their mistakes.

              Besides, ccessful language learning is active leaming. 84 Therefore scccssful Jeamers do not wait for a chance to use the languag; they Jook for such a chance. _They find people who speak the language and they ask these pcople to correet them whenever they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat; they are wlling to make mistakes and ty again. When communication is dificut, they can acept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to leam to think in the language than to know every word's meaning.

              Fially sucs language leamers are lerers with a purpose. They want to learm the language because they have an interet in the language and the people who speakit. 85 It is necessary for them to learm the language in order to communicate with these people and to leam from tbem.

              56. Scs lngung leaners are independent, s0 scess leamers_

              A. depend on the book or the teacher

              B. wait for the teacher to explain everything

              C. learn from their mistakes

              D. discover their own way to learm languages

              57. Acording to the psse, what will scc lnguag leaners do when they meet somenew words?

              A. Try to guess their meanings.

              B. Ask their teachers.

              C. Look the new words up in the dictionary.

              D. Pay no atention to them.

              58 Sucesful langunge leaming i acthe, so sucesful leamens_______

              A walh for a chunce to s the langunge

              B. look for a chance to use the language

              C only use the langunge in class

              D. tD to avold using the language

              59. Why do successful language leamers want to leamn the langunge?

              A. Because they want to find better jobs.

              B. Because they want to get good marts in their ecamns

              C Because they are interested in the language and the pcople who speak it.

              D. Because they have a knack for learning languages.

              60. The purpose of the passage is to_________

              A. explain the importance oflanguage learming.

              B. introduce some useful tchniques of language learning.

              C teach people how to learm English.

              D. compare language teaching with language learning.


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              * 所在學(xué)校

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